Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Churros El Tigre - San Diego Street Food Frenzy


In December of last year I posted some commentary and a YouTube video on some sites about a little churro cart on University Ave in San Diego. Each Time I rolled up to the churro cart I would notice more and more crowds. I soon noticed cars lined up in the alley and people using sign language like some junkies looking for a crack fix.

I knew this would be too good to last, and soon the little churro cart was forced to move. Well, by the time Churros El Tigre was forced to move they achieved a cult following of sorts. I couldn’t believe the flow of emails I started receiving from people including local media trying to get INTEL on the churro man. After many helpful reconnaissance missions by local churro lovers, the crack dealer errrrrr I mean churro specialist has been found sporting a fresh new cart at the corner of Imperial Ave and 25Th.

Churros El Tigre San Diego CA

The churros here rival any I've had south of the border. These are the thin knotted type often times referred to as churritos and sold in a bag of 7. What makes these churros so special? They are soft on the inside, crispy golden brown on the outside and most importantly fried to order. No churros hardening under a heat lamp here. This cake like delicacy of dough and sugary goodness will set you back $2.00.

Fresh Churros

The process of churro making is quite simple. Fresh Churro dough is squeezed out of the churrera and cut into 6-inch strips before landing in fresh hot oil.

Making Churros 1

After the dough is fried to golden perfection the excess oil is strained.

Making Churros 2

Lastly, a sweet cinnamon sugar mix is added.

Making Churros 3

It's hard to beat hot fried dough right out of the fryer.I recommend you also save room for the Platanos machos fritos. Deep fried large "cooking bananas" (Plantains) cut into ovals, about 1/3-inch thick. Once drained out of the fryer the bananas are topped with Lechera (Sweetened condensed milk) and sugar if you choose.

Churros El Tigre just happens to be walking distance from one of my favorite San Diego spots the "La Fachada Truck". You can sit down outside at La Fachada and enjoy your churros with some some thick, hot, chocolatey champurrado.

Hours of Operation are from 6:30 to 9:00 pm 7 days a week. The exact loaction is 2483 Imperial Ave at 25th St, its directly across from San Diego Police Departments Central Division.

San Diego street food vendors are few and far between dont miss these, and dont blame me if you get addicted.

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  1. I thought that north of the border it would be almost impossible to keep a "changarrito" on the street, but i happily see that i was mistaken.

    El tigre rules!

  2. Nice review my man! La Fachada and Churros El Tigre within 50 feet of each other. Thats my favorite food corner in San Diego now. I had some carnitas tacos, a carne asada burrito and then walked up and got some bags of churros! Awesome dinner! Nice pictures! Have a good 4th of July Weekend!

  3. Mmmm, churros! I had some really good ones in Tecate last weekend. Good to know that the real deal is available NOB as well.

  4. I make some pretty good Churros using Nitza Villapol's recipe (the Cuban communist Julia Child), I do alter her recipe though and increase the butter, and use cinnamon sugar instead of just sugar. That with some Spanish hot chocolate is heaven!

  5. Hi Byte64... In Los Angeles and some other citys they have them in abundance, but here in San Diego its very rare.

    Hi Tim.... Yeah thats a lethal combo! I love the gorditas at La Fachada.

    Hi Mike.... You went to Tecate??? I hope you post your trip on your blog :)

    Hi Nathan ... I have been dying to make these just have to find the time. I will look up the recipe. Thanks

  6. I finally got to try these and found him in his new location. I thought he had TJ style hot dogs too but was happy to finally sample the churros. Great Pics and story.

  7. Guillermo Jose BarretoJuly 8, 2009 at 5:37 PM

    Deep fried batter in pork lard sprinkled with granulated sugar and cinamon.HOw can you go wrong? there is nothing I dont like in that...of course if you pump it full of "cajeta",then you take it to a whole different level.Street food is definately a whole diferent subculture of the culinary world which even chefs love and where we find inspiration for new dishes.certainly worth exploring.Whats a little tummy ache here and there? its all part of the show.

  8. Hi Chris nice to see you around and Im glad you liked the churros.

    Hi Guillermo thanks for your great insight btw your new pictures from DF are awesome particularly the chapulines.

  9. I've been CRAVING these real churros, we usually go to TJ for them. Went to the corner of 25th and Imperial 2 days in a row Thu 7/16 ~8:30, then Fri 7/17 between 6p-7:30. We ate dinner at La Fachada. HE WASN'T THERE! :( Could someone pls update if he has a new location?

    My hubby thinks I'm insane wanting to drive down for just churros.

  10. Hi Carol, we might have dined next to each other at La Fachada; I was also their Thursday night after an unsuccessful visit to Churros El Tigre.

    I'm not sure what happened to them I’m a little frustrated now and ready to give up on them.

    Tell your hubby you’re not crazy, I live very far from Imperial Ave and I drive down their all the time.

  11. Thanks for the info...I think I'll just go down to TJ from now you said it's getting frustrating.

  12. Hey Carol FYI hes back, he had some family issues to take care of. He has been back for a few days now running a solo show.

  13. Hey Masa Assassin... he's gone again. The guy in charge at La Fachada said that it's been about two weeks (we went on Saturday, Aug. 29). My friends found a blurb online saying that he might be out until mid-September due to equipment issues, but they have no idea if the source is a good one. Any news on your end?

  14. Hi unfortunately the churro cart is gone and I doubt he will be back in September but it may be possible. He has been forced to get some costly equipment. If the churro guy gets back up and running I will pass on the info.

  15. Hey Churros El Tigere is back on 25 th and Imperial . He reopen on 1/12/10, With a new cart to make churros go and check it out.

  16. The Churro Man is Back on La palapa he's back with a better cart. He reopen 1/12/10 he is back so you wont have to cry girl. GO BY THERE ON 25 TH and comercial street .
